Please note that the colour reproduction may differ from the original colour.
Please always match the colour with a RAL colour chart.

* recommended retail price incl. 19 % VAT.

The configurator enables the planning of standard configurations for Nitō. This is done in different views: Dimensioned view and a coloured perspective. It is possible to generate a PDF of the created configuration and thus create a price calculation. Furthermore, the planning can be shared via a link and the CAD data can be downloaded.

The configurator is based on drag and drop. Select the desired shelf from the list and drag the illustration with the mouse / finger onto the drawing area. Now select the desired accessories from the accessories list and drag the illustration to the desired position on the shelf. To insert back panels in perspective, the shelf must be rotated beforehand. If you plan in the view, the back panels are automatically positioned at the back.

Now select the desired colour from the 7 standard colours or one of the more than 100 special colours.

If you want to delete an element, select it. A yellow circle with a cross appears and then click on the circle, the element disappears.


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